Dry Needling 2: Foundations II Myopain

CEUs: 27

Topics: Lumbar, Cervical, Lower Extremity, Upper Extremity, Foot/Ankle, Knee

Techniques: Dry Needling

Body Regions: Neck, Spine






About This Event

The DN-2 Foundations II course builds on the knowledge and skills of the DN-1 course. Students will be introduced to the clinical aspects of myofascial pain, peripheral and central sensitization, the etiology and scientific basis of myofascial pain and dry needling. The course includes an in-depth review of possible adverse events.

Many muscles commonly addressed in clinical practice are included, such as the posterior cervical muscles, the oblique capitis inferior, the cervical and thoracic and lumbar multifidi, levator scapula (partially), the scalenes, the latissimus dorsi, supraspinatus, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, the coracobrachialis, pronator teres, wrist flexors, oblique abdominal muscles and rectus abdominus, the lumbar paraspinals, the deep hip rotators, the lower and middle trapezius, the serratus anterior, and the rhomboids muscles. Students will also be introduced to the current scientific basis for dry needling for scar tissue, fascial adhesions, enthesopathies, and tendinopathies.

Students will review the anatomy, function, and dry needling techniques for each muscle. The Instructor-student ratio is at least 1:10.

Pre-Course videos are provided after registration. If you prefer to review the presentations in a live webinar, you can register for the DN-2 Webinar.

Dry Needling 2: Foundations II is the second course in a three-course series by Myopain Seminars to attain certification as a Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist – Dry Needling (CMTPT/DN). A minimum score of 70% on a multiple choice quiz plus demonstrated muscle competency are required to pass this course. Physical therapists licensed in Tennessee need to have a minimum score of 80%.

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