I’m Ben White. A dad, husband, and physical therapist. My favorite way to spend a weekend is hanging out with my family and close friends (my people). My second favorite way is to spend it doing a deep dive in PT with physical therapists (also my people). I get that not everyone is wired this way and that is okay, I just love learning and sharing that knowledge with friends, family, co-workers, and patients.
I also realize how nerdy this sounds as I type it!
I’ve always found the continuing education process frustrating. First finding course hosts, I always knew of the few big ones but as I’ve grown in the profession and moved around I quickly figured out that there is more than MDT and Graston! The second frustration has always been finding who is coming close to me to minimize travel or to plan travel around a particular topic/course I wanted to take, I always optimized for staying close to home when possible. The third frustration would be finding out about a course that came close to home and I didn’t know about it! By the time I figured out where I would spend my CEU dollars, I would have twenty tabs open on my browser with different hosts, different courses, and different calendars and be jumping between each one… I’m exhausted typing this out!
I always felt there should be a central place or way to search for a topic or host or location without all these tabs and confusion. This way I could find out about smaller courses that might have gotten forgotten before, and not miss something that I’d be interested in taking close by! That’s where the idea of PT CEU Near Me came from. This is a tool that I always wanted, so hopefully you’ll find it useful too.
We are open to feedback, so please drop me a line and let me know what you think, or what you’d like to see more of!