DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Fort Walton Beach, FL Fort Walton Beach, FL, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]


DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Phoenix, AZ AAMT Phoenix, AZ, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Richmond, VA Richmond, VA, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Wocester, MA Wocester, MA, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


LEVEL 1 Blood Flow Restriction

Ashland University (Jack Miller Stadium) 800 Broad St., Ashland, OH, United States

What is the buzz all about surrounding blood flow restriction training (BFR)? You should be asking yourself that as a health professional. With almost 200 peer-reviewed articles in the scientific literature the efficacy and safety cannot be denied. By applying proper BFR techniques to exercising limbs you can: Increase strength Increase hypertrophy Increase VO2 Max BFR […]


Cervical Spine: Manual Therapy Management

Paoli, PA ICE 21 Plank Avenue, Paoli, PA, United States

This course will cover current best evidence in the physical therapy management of neck pain. Laboratory sessions will focus on the safe and effective delivery of thrust and non-thrust manipulation to the cervical spine, cervicothoracic spine, and upper ribs. Additional labs will cover evaluation and treatment of the thoracic spine, management of cervical radiculopathy, upper […]


Clinical Management of the Fitness Athlete

Brooklyn, NY 845 Dean St., Brooklyn, NY, United States

This-two day course is designed to educate participants on proper technique of the fundamental movements in Fitness Athlete programming. Learn coaching, analysis, and breakdowns of the squat, deadlift, push, pull, and basic olympic lifts. Through the use of multiple models the instructors will cover each movement beginning with proper performance and then highlighting commonly seen […]


Pelvis Restoration

Boston, MA PRI 360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA, United States

This advanced lecture and lab course is designed to assist clinicians with those complex patients that are struggling to restore reciprocal function of their pelvis. The clinician will gain an appreciation for the influences of an asymmetrical pelvis and how this imbalance contributes to pelvis dysfunction. We will explore in detail the function of the […]


Postural Respiration

Quincy, IL PRI 1025 Maine Street, Quincy, IL, United States

This advanced lecture and lab course is structured so that clinicians will gain an appreciation for the patterned respiration influences on: rib torsion, asymmetrical oblique strength, costal and crural function, habitual use of accessory respiratory musculature, and a positionally restricted diaphragm. The focus of this course will be to assess and restore polyarticular muscular chain […]


Advanced Manual Therapy Concepts For the Spine

Naperville, IL GLS 1624 Illinois Route 59, Naperville, IL, United States

This course focuses on an advanced approach to mobilization of all components of the spine, including the cervical spine, thoracic spine, ribs, lumbar spine and pelvis. It's advanced in that it teaches eclectic concepts and encompasses multiple treatment approaches, such as MET, PA’s, coupled/non-coupled mobilizations as well as combining mobilizations with movement. This course is […]


SMT-1 HVLAT of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and SIJ

Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA, United States

This two-day spinal manipulation course includes 70% hands-on practical training and 30% didactic lecture instruction. This spinal manipulation course focuses on the technical and practical hands-on skills required to perform high-velocity low-amplitude thrust spinal manipulation techniques in a competent and safe manner for all of the spinal regions. We have taught more PTs, MDs and […]


SMT-1 HVLAT of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and SIJ

Salt Lake City, UT Salt Lake City, UT, United States

This two-day spinal manipulation course includes 70% hands-on practical training and 30% didactic lecture instruction. This spinal manipulation course focuses on the technical and practical hands-on skills required to perform high-velocity low-amplitude thrust spinal manipulation techniques in a competent and safe manner for all of the spinal regions. We have taught more PTs, MDs and […]


An Introduction to Vestibular Rehabilitation

PT 180 Carrington College, Boise, ID, United States

The complexity of vestibular rehabilitation can be overwhelming and frustrating. This course first builds a foundation for understanding the vestibular system, followed by clearly delineated evidence-based practices for this patient population. This course focuses on providing an excellent framework for the clinician to effectively treat vestibular disorders. One of the strengths of this course is […]


Differential Diagnosis & Multi-Modal Management of Upper & Lower Extremity Spine Related Pain Syndromes

Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA, United States

Upper and lower extremity symptoms of spinal origin are often difficult to evaluate and treat. This advanced course is designed to acquaint the clinician with complex upper and lower extremity spine related neuromusculoskeletal conditions, develop an evidence-based differential diagnostic assessment, and integrate a multi-modal treatment approach. The integrated use of non-thrust mobilization, high-velocity low-amplitude thrust […]


SMT-1 HVLAT of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and SIJ

Grand Forks, ND Grand Forks, ND, United States

This two-day spinal manipulation course includes 70% hands-on practical training and 30% didactic lecture instruction. This spinal manipulation course focuses on the technical and practical hands-on skills required to perform high-velocity low-amplitude thrust spinal manipulation techniques in a competent and safe manner for all of the spinal regions. We have taught more PTs, MDs and […]


Functional Mobilization I

Bloomingdale, IL IPA ReLive Physical Therapy, Bloomingdale, IL, United States

IPA has led the profession since 1978 in the understanding and implementation of myofascial and soft tissue mobilization for treatment of human structure and function.  FMI, (formerly FO I) was the first biomechanical soft tissue mobilization (STM) course offered to the PT profession. In FMI, the participant personally experiences the dynamic changes in his or […]


Functional Mobilization I

Collierville, TN IPA Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics, Collierville, TN, United States

IPA has led the profession since 1978 in the understanding and implementation of myofascial and soft tissue mobilization for treatment of human structure and function.  FMI, (formerly FO I) was the first biomechanical soft tissue mobilization (STM) course offered to the PT profession. In FMI, the participant personally experiences the dynamic changes in his or […]


DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

East Greenwich RI East Greenwich, RI, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]


DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Dallas, TX Dallas, TX, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]


DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Phoenix, AZ AAMT Phoenix, AZ, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Sarasota, FL Sarasota, FL, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

New Orleans, LA New Orleans, LA, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


Dry Needling: Lower Quadrant

Berryville Physical Therapy and Wellness, PLC 322-A North Buckmarsh St, Berryville, VA, United States

Lower Quadrant Dry Needling by ICE brings a modern approach to dry needling education with contemporary methods and tactical e-stim applications for the lower quadrant. This weekend lab intensive course will initially focus on safe and effective dry needling technique for the thoraco-lumbar spine, hip, anterior and posterior thigh, and lower leg; and then highlight […]


LEVEL 1 Blood Flow Restriction

Progressive Health & Performance 39400 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd, Murrieta, CA, United States

What is the buzz all about surrounding blood flow restriction training (BFR)? You should be asking yourself that as a health professional. With almost 200 peer-reviewed articles in the scientific literature the efficacy and safety cannot be denied. By applying proper BFR techniques to exercising limbs you can: Increase strength Increase hypertrophy Increase VO2 Max BFR […]

Clinical Management of the Fitness Athlete

Loveland, OH 807 Loveland Madeira Rd., Loveland, OH, United States

This-two day course is designed to educate participants on proper technique of the fundamental movements in Fitness Athlete programming. Learn coaching, analysis, and breakdowns of the squat, deadlift, push, pull, and basic olympic lifts. Through the use of multiple models the instructors will cover each movement beginning with proper performance and then highlighting commonly seen […]


Total Spine Thrust Manipulation

Candler, NC ICE 1572 Sand Hill Rd, Candler, NC, United States

This course will cover current best evidence in the use of thrust manipulation to treat common clinical syndromes. Laboratory sessions will focus on the safe and effective delivery of thrust manipulations to the lumbar spine, sacroiliac joint, thoracic spine, and cervical spine. Lecture material will focus on the developing body of literature regarding safety of […]


Lumbar Spine: Manual Therapy Management

Ardsley, NY ICE 15 Center St., Ardsley, NY, United States

This course will cover current best evidence in the physical therapy management of low back pain. Laboratory sessions will focus on the safe and effective delivery of thrust and non-thrust manipulation to the lumbar spine, thoracolumbar spine, and lower ribs. Additional labs will cover an introduction to the McKenzie approach, management of lumbar radiculopathy, thoracolumbar […]


Thrust Joint Manipulation Part 1

San Antonio, TX TJM San Antonio, TX, United States

This two-day course is comprised of 80% practical and 20% didactic training. The primary focus will be on the development of the psychomotor skills needed to safely and effectively deliver thrust joint manipulation (TJM) to the spinal column, more commonly known as spinal manipulation. Also included will be a brief background of thrust joint manipulation, […]


Functional Dry Needling 1

Momentum Health - West Springs Momentum Health - West Springs, Calgary, Ontario, Canada

The Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Level 1 course gives clinicians the tools to elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. This foundational Functional Dry Needling course of study teaches the insertion of fine filament needles into neuromuscular junctions/motor points, stimulating the muscle, and bringing unbelievable pain relief and significantly improved function to […]


SMT-1 HVLAT of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and SIJ

Phoenix, AZ AAMT Phoenix, AZ, United States

This two-day spinal manipulation course includes 70% hands-on practical training and 30% didactic lecture instruction. This spinal manipulation course focuses on the technical and practical hands-on skills required to perform high-velocity low-amplitude thrust spinal manipulation techniques in a competent and safe manner for all of the spinal regions. We have taught more PTs, MDs and […]


SMT-1 HVLAT of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and SIJ

Austin, TX Austin, TX, United States

This two-day spinal manipulation course includes 70% hands-on practical training and 30% didactic lecture instruction. This spinal manipulation course focuses on the technical and practical hands-on skills required to perform high-velocity low-amplitude thrust spinal manipulation techniques in a competent and safe manner for all of the spinal regions. We have taught more PTs, MDs and […]


Advanced Manual Therapy Techniques for the Extremities

Ivy Rehab - Hackensack 454 Passaic St, Hackensack, NJ, United States

Feeling like you want to add more, and unique, skills to your tool belt for treating your extremity patients? This course teaches techniques that are for the everyday and difficult extremity patients who don't respond well to normal treatments. Through it, you'll learn really cool joint mobilizations and myofascial release techniques, along with retraining exercises […]


Functional Dry Needling 1

BUILD Academy and Training Center BUILD Academy and Training Center, Louisville, CO, United States

The Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Level 1 course gives clinicians the tools to elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. This foundational Functional Dry Needling course of study teaches the insertion of fine filament needles into neuromuscular junctions/motor points, stimulating the muscle, and bringing unbelievable pain relief and significantly improved function to […]


Building Better Balance

Synergy Health Partners - Warren 13488 E. 11 Mile Rd, Warren, MI, United States

There are many reasons why patients experience dizziness and balance impairments. This course will teach you how to confidently assess and treat patients with balance impairments. Course material includes an overview of how the sensory systems (somatosensory, vestibular, visual, and auditory) and contributing elements of the central nervous system relate to balance dysfunction. You'll develop […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Novi, MI Novi, MI, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Dallas, TX Dallas, TX, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Madison, WI Madison, WI, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


Dry Needling: Lower Quadrant

Function Forward Physical Therapy 745 State Route 34 Suite 1, Matawan, NJ, United States

Lower Quadrant Dry Needling by ICE brings a modern approach to dry needling education with contemporary methods and tactical e-stim applications for the lower quadrant. This weekend lab intensive course will initially focus on safe and effective dry needling technique for the thoraco-lumbar spine, hip, anterior and posterior thigh, and lower leg; and then highlight […]


An Introduction to Vestibular Rehabilitation

Great Lakes Seminars 2768 Centennial Rd., Toledo, OH, United States

The complexity of vestibular rehabilitation can be overwhelming and frustrating. This course first builds a foundation for understanding the vestibular system, followed by clearly delineated evidence-based practices for this patient population. This course focuses on providing an excellent framework for the clinician to effectively treat vestibular disorders. One of the strengths of this course is […]


Functional Mobilization I

Colorado Springs, IPA Total Function Physical Therapy, Colorado Springs, CO, United States

IPA has led the profession since 1978 in the understanding and implementation of myofascial and soft tissue mobilization for treatment of human structure and function.  FMI, (formerly FO I) was the first biomechanical soft tissue mobilization (STM) course offered to the PT profession. In FMI, the participant personally experiences the dynamic changes in his or […]


Functional Mobilization I

Fremont, CA IPA Elite Sports Physical Therapy, Fremont, CA, United States

IPA has led the profession since 1978 in the understanding and implementation of myofascial and soft tissue mobilization for treatment of human structure and function.  FMI, (formerly FO I) was the first biomechanical soft tissue mobilization (STM) course offered to the PT profession. In FMI, the participant personally experiences the dynamic changes in his or […]


Functional Mobilization I

new York IPA Hunter College, New York, NY, United States

IPA has led the profession since 1978 in the understanding and implementation of myofascial and soft tissue mobilization for treatment of human structure and function.  FMI, (formerly FO I) was the first biomechanical soft tissue mobilization (STM) course offered to the PT profession. In FMI, the participant personally experiences the dynamic changes in his or […]


IDN Foundation Course

Boston, MA IDN 140 Commonwealth Ave, Chestnut Hill, MA, United States

Neurological Dry Needling for Pain Management & Sports Rehabilitation (Foundation course) (3-day) develops the knowledge, safety and clinical skills required to effectively assess and deliver dry needling treatment to painful neuromuscular conditions.  This course teaches participants to treat the body locally, segmentally, and systemically; we do not divide the body up into upper and lower halves […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Glen Burnie, MD Glen Burnie, MD, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Princeton, NJ Princeton, NJ, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Nashville, TN Nashville, TN, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


Differential Diagnosis & Multi-Modal Management of Upper & Lower Extremity Spine Related Pain Syndromes

Rochester, MN Rochester, MN, United States

Upper and lower extremity symptoms of spinal origin are often difficult to evaluate and treat. This advanced course is designed to acquaint the clinician with complex upper and lower extremity spine related neuromusculoskeletal conditions, develop an evidence-based differential diagnostic assessment, and integrate a multi-modal treatment approach. The integrated use of non-thrust mobilization, high-velocity low-amplitude thrust […]


Functional Dry Needling 2

Active Life and Sports Physical Therapy Active Life and Sports Physical Therapy, Nottingham, MD, United States

Successful completion of this advanced level of the dry needling course of study will deem you competent and proficient in becoming a Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Practitioner. Similar to the class model of FDN Level 1, this course includes theoretical and laboratory sessions which incorporate instruction in safety, needling technique, treatment rationales for various diagnoses, […]


LEVEL 1 Blood Flow Restriction

360 Physical Therapy - North OKC 13801 N Western Ave Ste. B, Edmond, OK, United States

What is the buzz all about surrounding blood flow restriction training (BFR)? You should be asking yourself that as a health professional. With almost 200 peer-reviewed articles in the scientific literature the efficacy and safety cannot be denied. By applying proper BFR techniques to exercising limbs you can: Increase strength Increase hypertrophy Increase VO2 Max BFR […]


Thrust Joint Manipulation Part 2

Los Angeles TJM Los Angeles, CA, United States

This two-day course is comprised of 80% practical and 20% didactic training. The primary focus will be on the development of the psychomotor skills needed to safely and effectively deliver advanced thrust joint manipulation (TJM) techniques to the vertebral column, more commonly known as spinal manipulation. Also included will be an in-depth review of mechanisms […]


Cervical Spine: Manual Therapy Management

Onward Milwaukee 17110 West Greenfield Avenue, Brookfield, WI, United States

This course will cover current best evidence in the physical therapy management of neck pain. Laboratory sessions will focus on the safe and effective delivery of thrust and non-thrust manipulation to the cervical spine, cervicothoracic spine, and upper ribs. Additional labs will cover evaluation and treatment of the thoracic spine, management of cervical radiculopathy, upper […]


Comprehensive Treatment of the Hip: From the Spine to the Foot

Mercerville, NJ GLS 3100 Quakerbridge Road, Mercerville, NJ, United States

This course provides you with a central theme in treating the hip complex. Often, evaluations collect overwhelming amounts of subjective and objective information, yet leave us without a clear strategy. You'll learn to solve the problem of assessment versus treatment by combining them, thus simplifying the methodology to find dysfunction, treat it and assess it. […]


Comprehensive Treatment of the Hip: From the Spine to the Foot

Physical Therapy Consultants - Ramsey 7876 Sunwood Dr, Ramsey, MN, United States

This course provides you with a central theme in treating the hip complex. Often, evaluations collect overwhelming amounts of subjective and objective information, yet leave us without a clear strategy. You'll learn to solve the problem of assessment versus treatment by combining them, thus simplifying the methodology to find dysfunction, treat it and assess it. […]


Functional Dry Needling 2

BUILD Academy and Training Center BUILD Academy and Training Center, Louisville, CO, United States

Successful completion of this advanced level of the dry needling course of study will deem you competent and proficient in becoming a Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Practitioner. Similar to the class model of FDN Level 1, this course includes theoretical and laboratory sessions which incorporate instruction in safety, needling technique, treatment rationales for various diagnoses, […]


Intricate Art Dry Needling Course 2

Lapeer, MI IA Lapeer, MI, United States

Intricate Art Dry Needling 2 is a 3 day, 27 hour course on Dry Needling in clinical practice. The entire body is covered, with emphasis on the hands, feet and face. You may begin with DN 2 if you have not needled before, no worries. You may combine CEU's from multiple companies to satisfy state requirements. The […]


DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

DeLand, FL DeLand, FL, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Charlotte, NC Charlotte, NC, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Houston, TX Houston, TX, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Houston, TX Houston, TX, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


Extremity Management

Madison, WI ICE 1915 Monroe St., Madison, WI, United States

This seminar covers current best evidence in the physical therapist’s management of the most common extremity syndromes seen in a general outpatient orthopedic practice. A special emphasis will be placed on fitness forward treatment progression and exercise prescription. We will challenge several traditional philosophies regarding the assessment and treatment of orthopedic conditions. The laboratory component […]


Cervical Spine: Manual Therapy Management

Cincinnati, OH ICE 10004 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati

This course will cover current best evidence in the physical therapy management of neck pain. Laboratory sessions will focus on the safe and effective delivery of thrust and non-thrust manipulation to the cervical spine, cervicothoracic spine, and upper ribs. Additional labs will cover evaluation and treatment of the thoracic spine, management of cervical radiculopathy, upper […]


Dry Needling: Upper Quadrant

APEC 2600 Alemeda St, Fort Worth, TX, United States

Upper Quadrant Dry Needling by ICE brings a modern approach to dry needling education with contemporary methods and tactical e-stim applications for the upper quadrant. This weekend lab intensive will initially focus on safe and effective dry needling technique for the cervico-thoracic spine, anterior and posterior shoulder girdle, upper arm, and forearm; and then highlight […]


Functional Dry Needling 1

Dynamic Physical Therapy Dynamic Physical Therapy, Cottonwood Heights, UT, United States

The Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Level 1 course gives clinicians the tools to elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. This foundational Functional Dry Needling course of study teaches the insertion of fine filament needles into neuromuscular junctions/motor points, stimulating the muscle, and bringing unbelievable pain relief and significantly improved function to […]


Functional Dry Needling 1

Momentum Health - West Springs Momentum Health - West Springs, Calgary, Ontario, Canada

The Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Level 1 course gives clinicians the tools to elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. This foundational Functional Dry Needling course of study teaches the insertion of fine filament needles into neuromuscular junctions/motor points, stimulating the muscle, and bringing unbelievable pain relief and significantly improved function to […]


DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Dallas, TX Dallas, TX, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]

DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Brick, NJ Brick, NJ, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Cape Coral, FL Cape Coral, FL, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]

DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Robbinsville, NJ Robbinsville, NJ, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]

Functional Dry Needling 1

Dynamic Physical Therapy Dynamic Physical Therapy, Cottonwood Heights, UT, United States

The Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Level 1 course gives clinicians the tools to elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. This foundational Functional Dry Needling course of study teaches the insertion of fine filament needles into neuromuscular junctions/motor points, stimulating the muscle, and bringing unbelievable pain relief and significantly improved function to […]


Functional Dry Needling 1

University of Colorado Physical Therapy University of Colorado Physical Therapy, Aurora, CO, United States

The Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Level 1 course gives clinicians the tools to elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. This foundational Functional Dry Needling course of study teaches the insertion of fine filament needles into neuromuscular junctions/motor points, stimulating the muscle, and bringing unbelievable pain relief and significantly improved function to […]


Postural Respiration

Renton, WA PRI 332 Burnett Ave S, Renton, WA, United States

This advanced lecture and lab course is structured so that clinicians will gain an appreciation for the patterned respiration influences on: rib torsion, asymmetrical oblique strength, costal and crural function, habitual use of accessory respiratory musculature, and a positionally restricted diaphragm. The focus of this course will be to assess and restore polyarticular muscular chain […]


Essential Training Graston Technique

Tucson, AZ GT 2121 North Craycroft Road, Tucson, AZ, United States

Graston Technique (GT) therapy is an advanced form of instrument-assisted, soft tissue mobilization, which incorporates the use of six specially designed stainless steel instruments. GT therapy enables clinicians to effectively treat the adverse effects of scar tissue and fascial restrictions as well as improve and maintain optimal range of motion. The purpose of this basic […]


Dry Needling: Lower Quadrant

Onward Greenville 1320 Hampton Avenue, Greenville, SC, United States

Lower Quadrant Dry Needling by ICE brings a modern approach to dry needling education with contemporary methods and tactical e-stim applications for the lower quadrant. This weekend lab intensive course will initially focus on safe and effective dry needling technique for the thoraco-lumbar spine, hip, anterior and posterior thigh, and lower leg; and then highlight […]


Myokinematic Restoration

Lincoln, NE PRI 5255 R Street, Lincoln, NE, United States

This advanced lecture and lab course explores the biomechanics of contralateral and ipsilateral myokinematic lumbo-pelvic-femoral dysfunction. Treatment emphasizes the restoration of pelvic-femoral alignment and recruitment of specific rotational muscles to reduce synergistic predictable patterns of pathomechanic asymmetry. Emphasis will be placed on restoration, recruitment, and retraining activities using internal and external rotators of the femur, […]


Functional Dry Needling 1

BUILD Academy and Training Center BUILD Academy and Training Center, Louisville, CO, United States

The Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Level 1 course gives clinicians the tools to elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. This foundational Functional Dry Needling course of study teaches the insertion of fine filament needles into neuromuscular junctions/motor points, stimulating the muscle, and bringing unbelievable pain relief and significantly improved function to […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Boynton Beach, FL Boynton Beach, FL, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


Dry Needling: Lower Quadrant

Dynamic Physical Therapy Dynamic Physical Therapy, Cottonwood Heights, UT, United States

Lower Quadrant Dry Needling by ICE brings a modern approach to dry needling education with contemporary methods and tactical e-stim applications for the lower quadrant. This weekend lab intensive course will initially focus on safe and effective dry needling technique for the thoraco-lumbar spine, hip, anterior and posterior thigh, and lower leg; and then highlight […]


DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

bellevue, WA Bellevue, WA, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]

DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Charlotte, NC Charlotte, NC, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]

DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

New Orleans, LA New Orleans, LA, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]

SMT-2 Cervical, Thoracic Dysfunction, and Cervicogenic Headaches Diagnosis & Management with HVLAT & Exercise

Delta Physical Therapy 12110 South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

SMT-2 is a two-day (15 contact hours) course with an emphasis on upper cervical, mid-cervical and upper thoracic spine dysfunction, as it relates to cervicogenic headaches, whiplash associated disorders, and idiopathic neck pain diagnosis and management. Advanced HVLA thrust manipulation techniques for the occipito-atlantal (C0/1), atlanto-axial (C1/2), C2/3 articulations (in supine and sitting positions) along […]

Total Spine Thrust Manipulation

Bellingham, WA ICE 1211 Granary Ave., Bellingham, WA, United States

This course will cover current best evidence in the use of thrust manipulation to treat common clinical syndromes. Laboratory sessions will focus on the safe and effective delivery of thrust manipulations to the lumbar spine, sacroiliac joint, thoracic spine, and cervical spine. Lecture material will focus on the developing body of literature regarding safety of […]


SMT-1 HVLAT of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and SIJ

Richmond, VA Richmond, VA, United States

This two-day spinal manipulation course includes 70% hands-on practical training and 30% didactic lecture instruction. This spinal manipulation course focuses on the technical and practical hands-on skills required to perform high-velocity low-amplitude thrust spinal manipulation techniques in a competent and safe manner for all of the spinal regions. We have taught more PTs, MDs and […]

SMT-1 HVLAT of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and SIJ

Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH, United States

This two-day spinal manipulation course includes 70% hands-on practical training and 30% didactic lecture instruction. This spinal manipulation course focuses on the technical and practical hands-on skills required to perform high-velocity low-amplitude thrust spinal manipulation techniques in a competent and safe manner for all of the spinal regions. We have taught more PTs, MDs and […]

Anatomical Dry Needling Part 1

Miami, FL TJM Miami, FL, United States

This 27-hour, 3-day seminar covers the practical aspects of dry needling to the craniocervical, upper extremity, and upper thorax systems. The primary emphasis will be on the practitioner effectively placing needles to treat neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Inclusive to this will be discussions on applicable randomized trial evidence, safety aspects, needle size/diameter considerations, and treatment paradigms. IMMT’s […]


Dry Needling 1: Foundations I Myopain

Myopain Seminars - Corporate Office 4405 East-West Highway, Bethesda, MD, United States

The DN-1 Foundations I course features a brief introduction to the history of dry needling, trigger points, and myofascial pain, an in-depth review of possible adverse events, the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standards within the context of dry needling, and an introduction to relevant pain sciences. Many muscles commonly addressed in clinical practice are included, such […]


Advanced Neurologic Dry Needling for Pain Management and Performance Enhancement: IDN

Columbus, OH IDN 453 W 10th Ave, Columbus, OH, United States

The Advanced Neurologic Dry Needling for Pain Management and Performance Enhancement course (3 days) is designed for licensed healthcare professionals that have a desire to elevate their treatment of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. This one of a kind course provides original information that can only be acquired through our institute. The participant will be provided with […]


Advanced Neurologic Dry Needling for Pain Management and Performance Enhancement: IDN

Cleveland, OH IDN 6085 Enterprise Parkway, Solon, OH, United States

The Advanced Neurologic Dry Needling for Pain Management and Performance Enhancement course (3 days) is designed for licensed healthcare professionals that have a desire to elevate their treatment of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. This one of a kind course provides original information that can only be acquired through our institute. The participant will be provided with […]


Functional Dry Needling 1

UNLV University of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, United States

The Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Level 1 course gives clinicians the tools to elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. This foundational Functional Dry Needling course of study teaches the insertion of fine filament needles into neuromuscular junctions/motor points, stimulating the muscle, and bringing unbelievable pain relief and significantly improved function to […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

East Greenwich RI East Greenwich, RI, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-2 Dry Needling for Lumbopelvic & Lower Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH, United States

No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 27-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT (or 3rd year DPT student), ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. Certification in Dry Needling® (Cert. DN) will be awarded upon successful completion (i.e. written and practical examination) […]


DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Boston, MA Boston, MA, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]

DN-1 Dry Needling for Craniofacial, Cervicothoracic & Upper Extremity Conditions: an Evidence-Based Approach

Des Moines, IA Des Moines, IA, United States

Certification in Dry Needling® will be awarded upon successful completion of the DN-1 & DN-2 dry needling courses, giving 54 hours of hands-on dry needling education in total. Each 3-day dry needling course is $895. All dry needling courses are approved for CEUs for PTs, ATs, and DCs. AAMT faculty have published more clinical trials on the […]

Functional Dry Needling 1

UNLV Physical Therapy 4505 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV, United States

The Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Level 1 course gives clinicians the tools to elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. This foundational Functional Dry Needling course of study teaches the insertion of fine filament needles into neuromuscular junctions/motor points, stimulating the muscle, and bringing unbelievable pain relief and significantly improved function to […]


Dry Needling: Lower Quadrant

Exos 2629 E Rose Garden Lane, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Lower Quadrant Dry Needling by ICE brings a modern approach to dry needling education with contemporary methods and tactical e-stim applications for the lower quadrant. This weekend lab intensive course will initially focus on safe and effective dry needling technique for the thoraco-lumbar spine, hip, anterior and posterior thigh, and lower leg; and then highlight […]

Advanced Manual Therapy Techniques for the Extremities

Prairie Physical Therapy Lincoln, NE, United States

Feeling like you want to add more, and unique, skills to your tool belt for treating your extremity patients? This course teaches techniques that are for the everyday and difficult extremity patients who don't respond well to normal treatments. Through it, you'll learn really cool joint mobilizations and myofascial release techniques, along with retraining exercises […]


SMT-1 HVLAT of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and SIJ

Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN, United States

This two-day spinal manipulation course includes 70% hands-on practical training and 30% didactic lecture instruction. This spinal manipulation course focuses on the technical and practical hands-on skills required to perform high-velocity low-amplitude thrust spinal manipulation techniques in a competent and safe manner for all of the spinal regions. We have taught more PTs, MDs and […]

SMT-1 HVLAT of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and SIJ

Pensacola, FL Pensacola, FL, United States

This two-day spinal manipulation course includes 70% hands-on practical training and 30% didactic lecture instruction. This spinal manipulation course focuses on the technical and practical hands-on skills required to perform high-velocity low-amplitude thrust spinal manipulation techniques in a competent and safe manner for all of the spinal regions. We have taught more PTs, MDs and […]