
Myokinematic Restoration

Reading, PA PRI 1 Meridian Blvd, Reading

This advanced lecture and lab course explores the biomechanics of contralateral and ipsilateral myokinematic lumbo-pelvic-femoral dysfunction. Treatment emphasizes the restoration of pelvic-femoral alignment and recruitment of specific rotational muscles to […]


Comprehensive Treatment of the Hip: From the Spine to the Foot

Emerge Ortho 75-A Livingston Street, Asheville

This course provides you with a central theme in treating the hip complex. Often, evaluations collect overwhelming amounts of subjective and objective information, yet leave us without a clear strategy. […]


Dry Needling: Lower Quadrant

HealthHQ 14261 Torrey Road STE C, Fenton

Lower Quadrant Dry Needling by ICE brings a modern approach to dry needling education with contemporary methods and tactical e-stim applications for the lower quadrant. This weekend lab intensive course […]
