
Pelvis Restoration

Lincoln, NE PRI 5255 R Street, Lincoln

This advanced lecture and lab course is designed to assist clinicians with those complex patients that are struggling to restore reciprocal function of their pelvis. The clinician will gain an […]


Myokinematic Restoration

Reading, PA PRI 1 Meridian Blvd, Reading

This advanced lecture and lab course explores the biomechanics of contralateral and ipsilateral myokinematic lumbo-pelvic-femoral dysfunction. Treatment emphasizes the restoration of pelvic-femoral alignment and recruitment of specific rotational muscles to […]


Comprehensive Treatment of the Hip: From the Spine to the Foot

Emerge Ortho 75-A Livingston Street, Asheville

This course provides you with a central theme in treating the hip complex. Often, evaluations collect overwhelming amounts of subjective and objective information, yet leave us without a clear strategy. […]


Dry Needling: Lower Quadrant

HealthHQ 14261 Torrey Road STE C, Fenton

Lower Quadrant Dry Needling by ICE brings a modern approach to dry needling education with contemporary methods and tactical e-stim applications for the lower quadrant. This weekend lab intensive course […]
