Myokinematic Restoration

CEUs: 15

Topics: Lumbar, Lower Extremity, Knee, Pelvic Floor

Techniques: Manual Therapy, Exercise Prescription

Body Regions: Back, Spine






About This Event

This advanced lecture and lab course explores the biomechanics of contralateral and ipsilateral myokinematic lumbo-pelvic-femoral dysfunction. Treatment emphasizes the restoration of pelvic-femoral alignment and recruitment of specific rotational muscles to reduce synergistic predictable patterns of pathomechanic asymmetry. Emphasis will be placed on restoration, recruitment, and retraining activities using internal and external rotators of the femur, pelvis, and lower trunk. Guidance will be provided on how to inhibit overactive musculature. This will enable the course participant to restore normal resting muscle position. Participants will be able to immediately apply PRI clinical assessment and management skills when treating diagnoses such as piriformis syndrome, ilio-sacral joint dysfunction, and low back strain.

Education Level: Advanced
​Student Faculty Ratio 16:1

Instructional Methods: Lecture, demonstration & lab, clinical application, case studies, and Q&A

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