Functional Mobilization I

CEUs: 28

Topics: Lumbar, Cervical, Lower Extremity, Upper Extremity

Techniques: Myofascial Release, Manual Therapy

Body Regions: Neck, Spine






About This Event

IPA has led the profession since 1978 in the understanding and implementation of myofascial and soft tissue mobilization for treatment of human structure and function.  FMI, (formerly FO I) was the first biomechanical soft tissue mobilization (STM) course offered to the PT profession. In FMI, the participant personally experiences the dynamic changes in his or her structure and function as well as facilitates changes in a lab partner during supervised lab sessions.  Master clinician instructors guide the participants in:

  • An understanding of the dynamic Functional Manual Therapy® clinical reasoning system
  • Comprehensive discussion of the three pillars of FMT:  Mechanical Capacity, Neuromuscular Function, and Motor Control
  • Observation of posture and dynamic movement assessment
  • Three Functional Tests to be used before and after each intervention
  • End feel assessment and interpretation
  • Localization of mechanical myofascial and soft tissue dysfunctions
  • Specific Functional Mobilization™ techniques which combine soft tissue and joint mobilization with active or resisted patient movements and PNF. With direct progressions into specific exercise training.

After taking FMI, the skills and techniques learned will directly impact your clinical practice by empowering you to create immediate changes in the function of the human body with three dimensional and localized manual therapy interventions.  The immediate clinical impact of FMI stems from the supervised lab sessions in which the participants observe the correlation between the mechanical capacity of the soft tissue system and posture and functional movements.  The concept of the human body as an interconnected and dynamic system permeates the instruction and lab practice sessions.  Emphasis is placed on your skill development for both observation and manual treatment.

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