Building Better Balance

CEUs: 16

Topics: Neuro, Vestibular

Techniques: Exercise Prescription

Body Regions: Spine






About This Event

There are many reasons why patients experience dizziness and balance impairments. This course will teach you how to confidently assess and treat patients with balance impairments.

Course material includes an overview of how the sensory systems (somatosensory, vestibular, visual, and auditory) and contributing elements of the central nervous system relate to balance dysfunction. You’ll develop an understanding of the way sensory input is coordinated and implemented to achieve and maintain postural control. This course will allow you to utilize relevant information from each system to apply effective manual therapy techniques and create a comprehensive balance training program for your patients. After taking this course, you’ll be able to treat straight forward patients with BPPV in 1-3 sessions with appropriate assessment/education/treatment.

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