Advanced Neurologic Dry Needling for Pain Management and Performance Enhancement: IDN

CEUs: 27

Topics: Lumbar, Cervical, Headache, Lower Extremity, Knee

Techniques: Dry Needling, Manual Therapy

Body Regions: Spine






About This Event

The Advanced Neurologic Dry Needling for Pain Management and Performance Enhancement course (3 days) is designed for licensed healthcare professionals that have a desire to elevate their treatment of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. This one of a kind course provides original information that can only be acquired through our institute. The participant will be provided with a deeper understanding of the physiologic and therapeutic effects of dry needling. Negative effects of neurogenic inflammation and microcirculation abnormalities will be discussed enhancing participants understanding for applying dry needling using the peripheral nerve mapping concept. Advanced neurological and musculoskeletal concepts, needling techniques and treatments will be presented and practiced in this primarily lab-based course.  The integration of electrical nerve stimulation (ENS) will be emphasized as an important adjunct to dry needling treatment.  Focus is on assuring safe and effective advanced dry needling skills with sound clinical decision-making.

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